Tales from the Dead

Tales from the Dead is a 2007 horror film, written and directed by Jason Cuadrado. The film is an anthology of four ghost stories as told by Tamika, a strange young girl with the ability to communicate with the dead. Each tale deals with loss, pain and vengeance as the spirits who tell them attempt to put things right in the world of the living.

The film follows a family, newly reunited with their estranged son, faces the remnants of the bad marriage, and evil intentions, of their homes previous owners. An old accountant, trying to set his books straight after a life of working for a criminal gang, takes his revenge on the man who wouldnt let him. A businessman, hungering for success and material opulence, finds that time is the only truly scarce resourceand the only one genuinely valuable. Lastly, a surprise ending for Shoko, a lady of leisure, who has a deadly definition of divorce, and meets young Tamika on the wrong dark and foggy road.

Source: Wikipedia